
The APRLO is WFPHA regional office for Asia Pacific. It coordinates with countries throughout the region to improve and protect publics' health.



Each year the PHANZ honours an individual's or group's contribution to public health action through our prestigious public health awards, Public Health Champion, the Tū Rangatira mō te Ora, the Pasifika Award, and our new Asian and Ethnic Peoples Public Health award.
2022 (Inaugural) ‘Asian and Ethnic Peoples Public Health Award’ Recipients:
Group delivering Te Whatu Ora Waitematā’s Health service model for Asian/ethnic communities: Grace Ryu, Lifeng Zhou, Tian Min (Maggie) Ma, Gautam Raj Singh, Stephanie Lee

Te Whatu Ora Waitemata’s Health Service Model for Asian/ethnic Communities’ received the inaugural ‘Asian and Ethnic Peoples Public Health Award’. Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Waitematā’s response to Asian and ethnic communities has been a success with the three key components together with colleagues from NRHCC: health gain and health intelligence team focusing on Asian, Migrants and Former Refugees (with the functions of planning, funding and service commissioning); the Asian Health Services within the Te Whatu Ora Waitematā’s provider arm; and the international collaboration initiative with Asian countries. As one in five people in Aotearoa New Zealand is of Asian or other ethnic minority groups, a high-performing national-regional-local unified Asian &Ethnic Health Service Model is essential to support the Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) and other ethnic populations to meet their diverse and unmet health and wellbeing needs.
Public Health Champions Award for 2022: Tania Hodges

Tania has iwi affiliations with Ngāti Pāhauwera, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti  Maniapoto and Ngāti Tūwharetoa.Her nomination form read “She is a stunning example of a wahine Māori with integrity, a mother, an athlete, a successful business woman, a professional governor, and a long time strong public health activist.” Tania is the Managing Director of Digital Indigenous.com Ltd with extensive experience in health, education, governance, funding, contracting, strategy, change management, Māori and Iwi relationships, workforce, leadership and community development. She is fearless in the face of adversity, less for herself and more for those whose voice is not heard.  Since 2001, her consultancy company has done many things including the provision of leadership training to about 1000 Māori health professionals supporting their leadership journey to make a real difference to the lives of themselves, their whānau and others.
Tū Rangatira mō Te Ora Award for 2022: Manurewa Marae

Manurewa Marae demonstrated their enduring commitment to the whānau, hapū, iwi and communities of Tāmaki Makaurau during the COVID-19 pandemic, acting as one of the main vaccination outreach teams, across the highest demographic of Māori in the South Auckland region. Manurewa Marae has continued to meet whānau where they are, when they need it, and how they wish to engage with public health and health promotion services, and their stellar leadership as a Marae to step in and provide a tremendous effort deserves the Tū Rangatira mō te Ora Award for 2022.

Te Whatu Ora Waitemata (新西兰卫生局怀特玛塔)的亚裔/族裔社区健康服务模式获得了首届“亚裔和少数族裔公共卫生奖”:Grace Ryu, Lifeng Zhou, Tian Min (Maggie) Ma, Gautam Raj Singh, Stephanie Lee
Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Waitematā (新西兰卫生局怀特玛塔)与NRHCC (Northern Region Health Coordination Centre - 北部地区卫生协调中心)的同事一起对亚裔和少数族裔社区的医疗卫生需求响应模式/体系取得了成功,包括三个关键组成部分:专注于亚裔、移民和前难民(具有规划、资助和服务委托职能)的健康增益和医疗卫生情报小组,新西兰卫生局怀特玛塔服务提供部门 - 亚裔卫生服务部,以及与亚洲国家开展国际合作的亚洲国际合作处。
由于新西兰五分之一的人口是亚裔或其他少数族裔,因此高绩效的国家 - 区域- 地方统一的的亚裔/族裔健康服务模式对于支持亚裔,中东、拉丁美洲和非洲裔(MELAA)以及其他少数族裔,并满足其尚待满足的多样化的健康福祉需求至关重要。
2022 “公共卫生冠军奖” 获奖者: Tania Hodges
Tania所属的部落包括: Ngāti Pāhauwera, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti  Maniapoto以及Ngāti Tūwharetoa。她的提名表上写着:“她是一个正直的毛利人、母亲、运动员、成功的女商人、职业主管和长期积极活跃的公共卫生活动家的典范。Tania是Digital Indigenous有限公司的常务董事,她在健康、教育、治理、基金管理、承包(合约)、战略、变革管理、毛利人与部落关系、劳动力、领导力和社区发展等方面拥有丰富的经验。她在逆境中无所畏惧, 舍己而为弱者发声。自2001年以来,她的咨询公司成绩斐然,包括为大约1000名毛利卫生专业人员提供领导力培训,支持他们的领导之旅,以真正改变他们自己、他们的家庭和他人的生活。
2022“毛利公共卫生领袖奖” 获奖者: Manurewa毛利会堂
在COVID-19新冠疫情流行期间,Manurewa毛利会堂表现出对家庭、氏族部落以及奥克兰社区的持久承诺: 作为主要的疫苗接种外展团队之一,覆盖拥有最多毛利人口的奥克兰南区。Manurewa毛利会堂不断在民众需要他们的时间、地点以民众希望参与的方式与其家庭会面,来提供相应的公共卫生和健康促进服务。Manurewa毛利会堂在应对疫情期间展现了卓越的领导力,因其非凡的努力而赢得了2022 年“毛利公共卫生领袖奖”。
